Christmas Calendar 2020

Sara Bro is a true leader in the media industry with an authentic and courageous style. She appreciates diversity and know how to make each individual feel special. She instantly acknowledges potential and stories. She like to research a broad range of options before she decides on any actions. She is creative, inspiring and uses her imagination and strategic mindset to reach her audience and create an impact. Sara like to stand out and be treated as an individual herself. Her shows are designed to fit her expectations, individuality, and creativity. It is easy for her to find the right people with the knowledge she needs for her programs.
CliftonStrengths: Individualization & Strategic

Mai-Britt Poulsen is an inspiring and influential leader at Boston Consulting Group. She likes being busy and productive and take immense satisfaction in making a difference with her teams and driving impact. Her work must be meaningful and inspires other people, organisations and clients. She loves bringing cutting edge knowledge to the front page and being an inspiring leader. Her desire to learn makes her a first mover in her field. She is curious by nature and loves being exposed to something new, she really wants to understand. She uses her curiosity to build relationships and unlocking the potential of those who advance the world.
CliftonStrengths: Achiever & Learner

Natasha Friis Saxberg is CEO at the Danish ICT Industry Association and a leading figure within the digital field. She is visionary and understands how Denmark can be a leading country in the digital global market. She is a true first mover and intuitively can spot and understand the next trend within her field. She will be able to tell you how and what you should focus on in the future to be relevant. Others can count on her and her team to push through and deliver the right service, product at the agreed deadline. She loves new opportunities and communicates about the future. CliftonStrengths:
Futuristic & Focus

Caroline Louise Lilleør, Kristine Skovgaard, Camilla Højberg Pedersen and Camilla Dalsgaard Sonne are entrepreneurs and founders of CEDI Alert. They are currently developing a personal Bluetooth based alert. Enabling all of us to feel safe and able to call for help. They have applied for patent and hoping for funding to bring the product to the market. Their compelling vision makes it possible for them to create ideal images, embracing the problems and finding the right solution. They know how to be productive, organize, and co-create together. They want to restore hope and freedom for all of us to move around feeling safe in the world.
CliftonStrengths: Arranger & Restorative

Simi Jan is an amazing International Correspondent with TV2 and Author. She finds it easy to meet new people and tell their stories. She has a contagious enthusiasm and can get others excited about an important event in the world or unfairness happening right in front of her. Journalism for her is a way of telling stories that nobody else will tell and of highlighting unfairness in the world. She speaks with clarity as well as with a pleasant charm which makes her interactions with others effective and rewarding. People will happily spend time with her because of her charismatic, fun, and kind nature.
CliftonStrengths: Communication & Woo (Winning others over)

Marianne Dahl is part of the leadership group at Microsoft Western Europe. She is a leader with passion and excellent communication skills. She is naturally confident and certain. She practices what she speaks and expects the same from others. Her commitment to diversity has made Microsoft Denmark a leading organization in equality. She uses words to inspire others to get started and keep moving. She generally finds it easy to put her thoughts into words. Her strengths make her a true influencer who can convince enyone about brilliant ideas and initiate change.
CliftonStrengths: Communication & Self-Assurance

Ida Hjorth is the creative Founder and Owner of BrainBlend. She is a leader in the sustainable field with her ecological and vegan brand BrainBlend. More than 120.000 cups of her unique yellow BrainBlend were enjoyed during this year and now a new purple flavor is available together with chocolates. She trusts her instinct and dares to dream big and believes in her ideas. ‘Yes, I can’ - if she can imagine it, she can produce it. Her ability to be energized by new possibilities makes her a purpose driven leader that thrives by trying to succeed. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious and makes it possible to bring products to the market that gives her customers a moment of well-being.
CliftonStrengths: Positivity & Stretegic

Le Gammeltoft is a dynamic and passionate leader, Founder and CEO at Heartbeats. She is the definition of empowerment and innovation. For her, action is a need, and she prefers to work together with likeminded people who also want to make an impact and utilize their own potential. She is a first mover and likes a challenge. Her strength as communicator makes her a leader in all her businesses, events, and initiatives. Talking and acting comes natural to her and she uses words to deliver her message, inspire others and create action. She loves communicating and using different channels and ways of delivering stories to ensure her message always reach her audience.
CliftonStrengths: Activator & Communication

Emma Due Bitz, Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen and Camilla Falkenberg are entrepreneurs and founders of Female Invest. They are curious and eager learners. Others are energized by their knowledge and vision of the future. As a team they are motivated by opportunities to inspire others and create a lasting impact. They are first movers and are interested in future opportunities and willing to embrace new concepts. They can imagine a better tomorrow for all of us. Their passion, knowledge, and imagination make it possible for them to always create new relevant material, setting a new agenda, and take charge.
CliftonStrengths: Futuristic & Learner

Frederikke Dahl and Simone Westergaard are entrepreneurs who are currently developing sustainable menstrual pads products in their company MEWALII. As a team they bring intense commitment to higher levels of excellence and the creative and risky path of innovation. They want to build something great by thinking out of the box and discover new and fresh perspectives. They love freedom to explore possibilities without limits. Focus on what is strong and manage around what is weak. They can evoke interest and crowdfunding though their inspiring vision and passion. They thrive by the thoughts of making the world a better place for all of us.
CliftonStrengths: Maximizer & Ideation

Sofie Linde is a TV host and author and known for her strong compassion towards participants in X-Factor and being a leading voice in the #MeToo movement. Her emotional intelligence makes it possible for her to sense other people’s feelings and decide in the moment how to act. She is an authentic and caring person. She prefers freedom to laugh and cry and makes sure that others are treated with respect and fairness. She is intuitive and hates when others or herself are treated unfairly and she will most likely act on it or remember it forever. Her motivation is driven by having a cause or purpose for which to work and live. Her values emphasize her emotionally expressive nature.
CliftonStrengths: Belief & Empathy

Phaedria Marie St. Hilaire & Selim Ablo-Nielsen are founders of the Professional Women of Colour Network (ProWoc). The mission of ProWoc is to connect, support and advance the careers and visibility of professional women of colour living in Denmark. Acceptance and awareness of others come easily to them and they are strong advocates of inclusion of all people. As a team they want to make a positive impact, encourage, empower, and promote positive images of women of colour for inspiration. Especially for the future generation. Helping others to cultivate their potential is their fuel. All people deserve opportunities to be included, contribute, and make a difference.
CliftonStrengths: Developer & Includer

Helle Thorning-Schmidt is a Board Member and was the first female Prime Minister of Denmark. She has a broad social and professional network that keeps getting wider. She is a popular figure at meetings, events and parties and noticed by everyone due to her amazing energy and enthusiasm. People are drawn to her. No wonder she ended up in a well-known selfie with President Obama. She is curious about people and especially likeminded people who wants to make a difference in the world within their field. She is a social butterfly who knows how to make the most out of every situation she is in and maximize her opportunities. She is a leading advocate for equality and a true positive influencer of the world.
CliftonStrengths: Maximizer & WOO (Winning Others Over)

Pernille Harder is a professional football player for Chelsea and the captain for the Danish Football Team. She is the leading player of her generations and one of the best on the field whenever she plays. She always strives to win and measure her own progress towards her ambitions and the best. As a captain she knows and understands how the unique qualities of each of her team players can be maximized to achieve progress, wins and a well-balanced winning team. Her capabilities make her a champion and others will be happy to follow her directions, because they feel appreciated for their unique talent and contribution. Pernille has very deservedly just been crowned ‘The Best FIFA Player in the World of the year 2020’. She is a leader on and outside of the football pitch and deeply appreciated for being an authentic leading player.
CliftonStrengths: Competition & Individuality

Katrine Engberg is creative author of several bestselling crime novels all of which are taking place in Copenhagen. She gets her ideas from locations she passes; from individuals she meets or just from a walk in town. She experiences great satisfaction when she can transform her creative thinking in words, so it becomes tangible and useful. She loves the freedom to explore possibilities without restraints or limits. All her collected inputs are written down and strategically used to facilitate growth, performance, and new fresh perspectives for instance in a novel. Communicating daily inputs and many ideas comes naturally to her both as a dancer, choreographer, and author.
CliftonStrengths: Ideation & Input

Jeanette Varberg is an author, archaeologist, and curator at the National Museum in Copenhagen, where she focuses on the Bronze Age and the Vikings. She is a true storyteller who can engage her audience with her in-depth knowledge and passion for her field. To her history is how we understand our present and future. Her mind goes deep, and it is easy for her to remember. She has philosophical as well as historical understanding and likes having time for reflection. It is always easy for her to bring accurate memories and valuable memorabilia to the table. She is a true leader in her field and deeply appreciated for her way of sharing and communicating her wisdom in an entertaining way.
CliftonStrengths: Context & Intellection

If one of Mette Frederiksen’s friends is threatened, she will fight on his or her behalf. She has emotional clarity and can handle challenges and conflicts and take charge under pressure and make decisions. She prefers to act. She is direct and decisive and push back when she is pushed. She prefers to be in the driver seat and people are drawn to her because they know she have exerting control in situations that are out of control. She loves to work with people who she has a relationship with. She is genuine and authentic and appreciates one-on-one interactions and time for conversations. She is more motivated when she can work and talk with people, she knows well.
CliftonStrengths: Command & Relator

Anja Ringgren Lovén is applying her strengths every day in Nigeria. She saves innocent children, accused of witchcraft, from exclusion, torture, and death in her foundation ‘Land of Hope’. Anja is deeply motivated by her ability to act according to her values. Her unique blend of hope and purpose is contagious and attracts others to her cause. Which her private audience with Dalai Lama testifies. She has a strong sense of justice and hates when people are treated unfairly. When she experiences or witness unfairness, she can feel it in her bones and steps into action right away; even without thinking of the consequences. Her work is making a difference every day and inspires hope - ‘Help One Person Every-day’.
CliftonStrengths: Belief & Positivity

Mette Østergaard is known for her strong career as an expert in Danish politics, Editor-in-chief at Berlingske and a true leader within her field. She is an authentic journalist and able to communicate even complicated content in a simple, direct, and engaging way. As a communicator she is appreciated for her passionate style. She uses her stories and words to ensure the message reach her audience. Her stamina makes her productive and others can count on her to deliver. Words come easily to her and makes it possible for her to get her point of view across, be a strong commentor, presenter or conversationalist. She loves talking to other people and share stories.
CliftonStrengths: Achiever & Communication

Andrea Rudolph is a leading entrepreneur and founder of the sustainable skincare brand ‘Rudolph Care’. She is a true first mover always collecting the latest knowledge and development within her field and bringing it to life. She has a true talent for identifying real needs and for taking ownership. Andrea possesses the determination to create the right product for the market as a service to others. She is responsible and if she makes a promise, she will follow through no matter what. She will go out of her way to help the people she cares for.
CliftonStrengths: Input & Responsibility

Julie Emilie Schytte and Sandie Bøje are entrepreneurs and founders of #Bucketbloom. Ideas and action are the winning recipe for the two of them as a team. The idea of selling buckets with flowers came during the Covid-19 log down. They did not even know each other but they knew they had a great idea and jumped right into action. Now #Bucketbloom is a first mover online business with deliveries of sustainable flowers all over Zealand. New products and concepts are constantly presented and strengthen. They are creative and ideas are easily converted into action and keeping their company alive and kicking.
CliftonStrengths: Activator & Ideation

Anne Sophia Hermansen is one of the most authentic leaders in the Danish media; cultural editor at Berlingske and an author. She is courageous, engaging, and happy to share her points of view about various subjects, equality, and culture. She trusts her instinct and has confidence in her own abilities. She is willing to take necessary risks. When she sees potential in others, she invests and promotes growth and love seeing them succeed. As a leader she has spotted talents and given opportunities to some of the new leading voices in Danish media. Her internal compass makes her a unique influencer who follows her heart and give her audience food for thoughts.
CliftonStrengths: Developer & Self-Assurance

Anja Monrad is an international leading figure within the digital field and Senior Vice President & General Manager at Dell Technologies, CEE. She is visionary and a catalyst for change. Strategically she uses her imaginative ability to engage others in understanding the need for transformation and following her leadership. She will be able to tell you how and what you should focus on in the future to be relevant. But also helping others to succeed and create the changes she wishes for in the future. Her long-term engagement in the equality agenda is visible and impactful. She is more than happy to help others including upcoming entrepreneurs. This is her way of giving back and contributing to needed transformation especially within equality.
CliftonStrengths: Futuristic & Strategic

Nina Smith has a long career within economics and policy analysis research as a professor at Aarhus University, Head of Chair for Forenet Kredit and advocating for equality. She prefers to apply data and facts in a logical based argument and can justify her decisions. She seeks truth and speak truth. In an ideal world she prefers to have time to think and research, but she can find simplicity in the midst of complexity. She will stand up and defend what she believes in even when she is the only one with a specific point of view. Nina has just been appointed the ‘Chair of the Board of the year 2020’ in Denmark. No one deserves it more than her.
CliftonStrengths: Analytical & responsibility