Happy Clients
Christina Rønsholt, Director at Novo Nordisk
I highly recommend Charlotte Søndergaard's leadership coaching offered through Authentic Leaders. My coaching sessions with Charlotte have been an incredible journey.
I have derived immense value from the emphasis placed on identifying my strengths, exploring leadership opportunities tailored to my style, and aligning my personal values with my role as a leader. This focus has enabled me to recognize and fully embrace the unique qualities I bring to my position, empowering me to lead with authenticity, intentionality, and purpose.
I firmly believe that investing in coaching sessions with Charlotte and Authentic Leaders is an exceptional choice for any leader. This personalized coaching experience provides leaders with the essential resources and support needed to excel in their roles and take ownership of their career.
To follow your program 'Becoming an Authentic Leader' over several months has been an absolutely incredible journey for me in my personal development at Deloitte.
Our individual sessions, in combination with our classroom sessions, have given me the ability for self-insight and self-reflection, providing the best possible foundation for my continuous development in my strengths and opportunities to do even better as an authentic leader and colleague.
I had the pleasure to have Charlotte as my coach during the 'Becoming an Authentic Leader' program and it could not have been better. Charlotte explained complex structure in an easy and understandable way. I had many insightful moments during the program which was very relevant for my situation personally and professionally.
Charlotte herself is a very genuine and kindhearted. These qualities shines through in her work and has inspired me to envision how future leadership could look like.
To complement the insights, I also got a toolbox of which has been very useful in my day-to- day life.
Super glad that our path crossed!
Melissa Dao, Supply Chain Development Manager at Munters, Sweden
I was so lucky to be able to participate in the ‘Becoming an Authentic Leader’ program. It is a fantastic leadership program that help you capitalize on your own ideas and personalize your own growth as an individual and leader. There are a lot of books and ‘standard’ ways to become a ‘leader’, but are they suitable for all of us? I loved that this program is designed for a group of female leaders but at the same time enable individual reflection and development.
During the individual coaching sessions and masterclasses Charlotte was able to enable a safe environment where we could share, learn, and feel empowered. Charlotte helped us invest in our authentic strengths that energizes us and creates a meaningful life. Finding the pieces in order to see beyond conventional norms and develop our authentic leadership style.
Charlotte is incredible empathetic, understanding, and able to deliver thought provoking content and engage the participants. She tells you what you must hear in the right moment and helps you identify possible obstacles that we face as women in organizations, which we deep down might be aware of, but often prefers to ignore.
I am happy to give Charlotte my very best recommendations.
Estefania Montano, Manager at Deloitte, Sweden
We often strive after perfection, seeking competition and assume certain behavior and traits are just “normal”. But what is actually “normal”, especially in regard to leadership? If you strive after:
Challenging the “normal” and want to understand how society has changed regarding leadership.
Understanding your strength.
Wanting to experience a new mindset.
Enhancing your skills of being your authentic self.
And on top, want to balance your private and work-life - contact Charlotte!
Charlotte is an amazing heartwarming person, who guides you through the journey of becoming an unique authentic leader. Charlotte is with absolutely no doubt the best coach I have ever experienced! I feel very honored and grateful for having the opportunity to be coached by Charlotte. I can strongly recommend her!
Lilly Thérèse Doringer, Director at EY, Sweden
Charlotte er fantastisk dygtig til at læse folk og til at forstå og guide én til at blive en endnu bedre og stærkere udgave af sig selv!
Hun går til coachingsessionerne på en måde som er både analytisk og empatisk. Charlotte forstår virkelig at skabe tillid og har samtidig et meget strategisk mindset, som gør at coachingsessionerne bliver både produktive og behagelige.
Jeg er gået fra alle vores coaching-sessioner fyldt op af energi og med en kæmpe iver for at komme i gang med at afprøve nogle af de teknikker Charlotte har introduceret mig til.
Charlotte får mine varmeste anbefalinger!
Maja Rolst, Head of People and Capabilities at Novo Nordisk
I had the pleasure to participate Becoming an Authentic Leader program led by Charlotte.
Foremost, I gained clarity on my strengths and acquired confidence, tools, and guidance to develop as a leader. It is easy to have confidential discussions with Charlotte; she is a warm-hearted coach, but she also knows when to push you for concrete progress.
Based on the strength assessment, it was amazing how easily she guided me and asked the right questions, as if she had known me for a longer time.
After the program, I am better equipped for future endeavors.
Sanna Toppari, Senior Specialist Lead at Deloitte, Finland
I can remember a time before meeting Charlotte. I had potential (although I didn't realize it at the time), but lacked the encouragement, faith and push from my surroundings. I knew I could do better, but didn't know quite how to go about it.
Charlotte has shown me through empathetic coaching and genuine care how to become the best version of myself (a work in constant progress).
Charlotte has been my rock and inspiration throughout a topsy-turvy time at work. Her kindness and empathy are the cornerstones that have helped me find my foundation to build from. She is very attuned to when I need a push and when I just need to vent frustrations.
Charlotte has been instrumental in my growth over the last year and I will forever treasure the lessons, gentle guidance and attentiveness she has shown me to help me develop and grow.
Ditte Buch Andersen, Director of People & Culture at Neurons, Denmark
I have had an opportunity to be part of Charlotte´s leadership training program. Charlotte is dedicated to enabling women to pursue their dreams in the corporate world and beyond.
Navigating career while being oneself is a journey and Charlotte´s training emphasized on identifying strengths, learning from experiences, how to spot mentors that can help guide through, and much more.
She is also a good mentor herself, and is always enthusiastic about helping those who seek her guidance. She has helped me see how powerful it is to be authentic and truthful to oneself, it´s a responsibility. More power to you!
Venkata Madhuri Ravi, Senior Manager at Deloitte, Sweden
I got the opportunity and had the great pleasure to work professionally with Charlotte in several settings the recent years, spanning both personal and team challenges that needed an outside helping hand to move to the next level on the leadership agenda.
Charlotte is an incredible coach who helps your team and yourself to discover your behaviors, leadership style, and most importantly strengths – all to excel as a team and as a person. If you invite Charlotte to coach yourself or your team, I can assure you that she brings the trust, experience, and professional expertise that will make your organization and its individuals shine.
And if you are tired of reading and sharing the usual 50 pages of autogenerated personality style pdf reports you will love Charlottes’ drawings on a page combined with her to-the-point verbal feedback.
Christian Weng, SAP Management at Globeteam, Denmark
Charlotte is an excellent speaker and very pleasant and professional to work with.
After her presentation at the Nordic Energy Equality Conference in June 2022, several participants gave the organizers feedback on how her talk had motivated them and making them gain new insights.
Charlotte feels really passionate about what she does and manages to communicate it both with humour and seriousness. Highly recommended!
Sofia Elamson, Senior Adviser at University of Oslo, Norway
I recently got an opportunity to attend the 'Becoming an Authentic Leader' leadership program facilitated by Charlotte. Charlotte is an incredible coach who helps you discover your own style of leadership to excel in professional life rather than the traditional approach to put things in rigid boxes of the ideal way.
I specifically admired her approach of focusing on strengths and how to combine different aspects of personality to make your strengths shine and not focus on weaknesses.
She is a very kind, empathetic person and easily builds an environment of trust. I would highly recommend Charlotte to anyone who is looking for some direction or perspective in their professional life to excel and get ahead. She would surely be able to help you with her incredible expertise and experience in this area!
Priyanka Sharma, Director at EY, Finland
Charlotte is a delightfully pleasent person to be around. She has made a great impression on me.
Charlotte has empowered me to utiilize my personal strengths everyday and in any context. The coaching she has provided has helped me create impact and given me and my team a strength based language that makes it more productive and fun to work together!
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Charlotte and would welcome any opportunity to work with her again. She gets all my stars.
Shakila Shaheen, Making healthcare accessible in the digital age, Denmark
Charlotte is an amazing coach and an inspiring leader. She has the innate ability to connect and empathize with others. She practices what she preaches. It was an honor to know her and work with her.
Recently Charlotte conducted 'Becoming an authentic leader' program for Deloitte in Nordics, where she successfully enabled the bunch of potential women leaders to grow into successful leader of today. She focused on our strengths and enabled us to embrace & hone them further. She taught us to be 'what we do best and be true to our authentic self'. We also explored what type of sustainable leadership style and traits we would like to see in the leaders of today. As part of this exercise, we challenged the status quo & traditional ways of leadership.
She was able to successfully create a 'safe space' for all the women leaders and nudged us to believe in more of sisterhood and in ourselves. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity of knowing you and working with you Charlotte. More power to you girl!
Ruchika Sharma, Senior Manager at VELUX
Jeg er netop blevet udfordret af Charlotte, der gav mig en tilbagemelding på min StrengthsFinder Test. Charlotte formår på en særdeles indlevende, energisk og professionel måde at få leveret klare og ærlige budskaber, som både appelerer til handling og efterlader plads til reflektion.
Katrin Seirup, People & Culture Lead at Dansk Erhverv
I admired and I was mind blowing for the level of accuracy of new self-discovering.
Charlotte has enable me to see a more clear path!
Julissa Ramos, In-Store-Hospitality at Gucci, America
Charlotte is a great coach who truly listens to you and helps you focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. She actively uses her background as a Gallup strengths coach to find out what makes you unique and drives your energy in your career.
Charlotte cares about people and bringing out the best in them. If you feel stuck in your career, want to learn more about yourself, or find new options to pursue, I would highly recommend reaching out to Charlotte!
Jeanine Brockhoff, VP of People & Culture at Corti, Denmark
Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af Charlotte's dygtige coachingsessioner i min tid i Accenture, hvor hun har hjulpet mig med at identificere mine største styrker.
Hun afholdte forskellige sessioner, bl.a. individuelle coaching samtaler, teamcoaching samt teambuilding i min afdeling og dette var ret banebrydende, da jeg blev bevidst om mine egne og min kollegaers styrker - og vi fik samtidig konkrete øvelser og en værktøjskasse, som vi anvendte ud fra vores individuelle Gallup CliftonStrengths resultater. Hendes coachingsessioner giver virksomheder en styrkebaseret kultur, hvor medarbejdere og ledere er bevidste om deres talenter og ved hvordan de kan sætte dem i spil for at nå deres fulde potentiale.
Charlotte får det bedste ud af folk og hvis du vil lære mere om dig selv eller leder efter en værdifuld teambuilding, vil jeg varmt anbefale Charlotte – hendes coachingsessioner burde være et must for alle virksomheder, da coaching både skaber højere engagement og bedre resultater!
Ava Davani, Senior Engagement Manager & SNOMED CT-architect at NNIT, Denmark
Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at blive coachet af søde Charlotte i dag. Hun hjalp mig med at få en bedre forståelse for, hvordan jeg kan udnytte mine styrker 100%, hvilket er super fedt for mig som studerende, der skal ud på arbejdsmarkedet.
Samtidig har det også givet smil på læben lige siden, da jeg nu kender mine styrker, og ved hvordan jeg skal føre dem ud i livet.
Fantastisk oplevelse og fantastisk coaching!
Ea Emilie Rytter Helstrup, Head of section, Ministry of Finance, Denmark